by WebsiteDNA | May 16, 2024 | Digital Marketing, Digital Strategy, Social Media
Imagine you’re running what appears to be a successful Facebook ad campaign. It’s creative and eye-catching and generates tons of clicks. But then it actually isn’t translating into anything. No sales and no sign-ups. That’s where lead collection within...
by WebsiteDNA | May 1, 2024 | Google Ads
Google enables a company to remarket to previous visitors to their company website through a network of websites where you can display advertising display images. Theses display images provide a reminder of the company to the website viewer and include engaging text...
by WebsiteDNA | Apr 12, 2024 | Digital Strategy
One of the many platforms you can use to promote your business on social media is Facebook. With over 46 million users in the UK alone, it is one of the most popular and widely used social media platforms, and one you should take advantage of. However, getting your...
by WebsiteDNA | Apr 2, 2024 | Digital Marketing
I recently came across a job advert looking for a Social Media & Marketing Manager starting off part-time for an annual cost of £7,500 but becoming full-time after 6 months with an annual salary of £25,000. The person required a degree level of qualification in...
by WebsiteDNA | Mar 21, 2024 | Google Analytics
Most companies have a website and many have a modern & attractive appearance. Some of these have clear messaging, an intuitive customer journey and good functionality. A proportion of these may even be fully search engine optimised and are active with a regular...